Whilst we are Camping at Camp Kennedy, we may organise an overnight hike from Camp Kennedy to Torbay Campsite on the Bibbulmen Track if there is enough interest.
This is a easy ~8km return overnight walk suitable for walkers of all experience. It is especially suitable for adults and children wanting to do an overnight hike for the first time to shake down their gear.
Starting at Camp Kennedy around 2pm, the first section is on the beach until Cosy Corner, where we will head inland towards the Torbay Campsite. The Campsite is on an elevated location affording a great view of the setting sun over the Southern Ocean. We return the next morning via the same route. Expect to be back around 8am.
Please consult the whiteboard in the mess hall at Camp Kennedy for up to date information. Date and time are to be confirmed at Camp Kennedy.
Cost: Free, but only available to member at camping at Torbay.
For more information, please see Bibbulmen Track Web site
Detailed equipment guide is at:
1. Bibbulmen Track Overnight Equipment checklist
2. WAFBC Resource page for members (Accessible only for WAFBC members).
3. https://youtu.be/KK_rjlnBs4o
Minimum suggested gear:
Event organiser: Michael Lee, mastcell@gmail.com 0421 783 083
Perth, Western Australia, 6000, Australia