Bibbulmun Track OVERLIGHT - Camel Farm to Hewitt's Hill Return 6.5km
This is a good introduction to overnight hiking for families wishing to try a short overnight hike with little ones. We will walk toward the shelter in the afternoon and return the next morning.
Assemble Point: Camel Farm Carpark, 15mins before departure time. Address is 361 Paulls Valley Road, Paulls Valley WA 6076
Recommended hiking equipment should include:
Please contact Michael Lee for further information. Beginners are welcome and email me if you have any question or need help with what to bring.
M: 0421 783 083
Please abide by the following conditions of participation at all club events. This is to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.-
Each parent or guardian is responsible for his own safety and for the safety of the children under their care, and participates in activities of the Club at their own risk. Club insurance covers adults members of the club only.
It is the responsibility of each parent or guardian to ensure that they have adequate water, clothing, rain and sun protection, footwear, first-aid kit and food for themselves and their children on each activity.
Non-members may attend any day-activity upon the payment of the prescribed fee. This fee can then be used to offset against the membership fee for the same year the event was held.
Only paid up members are permitted on overnight activities and member only events.
Each adult may bring a maximum of three children on a Club activity unless prior arrangement is made with the organiser of the activity.
The Western Australian Family Bushwalking Club Inc and its members accept no liability for any injury, loss, or damage arising from any cause whatever as a result of participation in Club activities.
Sorry, no pets allowed on Club activities.
War toys are not welcome on Club activities.
Please encourage your children to respect the bush and wildlife, and remember: ‘Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photographs.’
All members are able to, and are encouraged to, organise their own club events.
The following policy applies to sharing photographs, especially on web-sites.
That by joining the club you accept that photographs and videos may be taken of your family.
That these photographs and videos maybe posted on the clubs private photo-sharing site and/or the club’s newsletter, albeit there would also be the right to request that particular photographs / videos be removed.
That persons are discouraged from posting photographs or videos of members and their children on other social networking / photo-sharing sites without the consent of the persons or their guardians.
That persons in the photographs / videos must not be identified in any description attached to photographs / videos that are posted on the photo / video-sharing site.
Ticket Type | Price | |
Members By registering, it is implied that you have agreed to the Conditions of Participation and waived any claim arising out of loss of life, injury, damage, or loss of any description whatsoever which you or any child for whom you are responsible suffers as a result of participation in a Club activity. Any Membership Required* Log in | $0.00 | Membership Required |
Perth, Western Australia, 6000, Australia